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These are the committees defined within The American Driving Society, Inc. . Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Chair: Dana Bright, PA Committee Email:
Chair: Jim Thomas, FL Committee Email:
Interim Chairperson: Dan Rosenthal, SC Submit Licensed Official Applications and other inquiries/requests to
Chair: Keith Yutzy, TX Committee Email:
Daniel Rosenthal, SC Email: Committee Email:
Tracey Morgan, MD Committee Email:
Chair: Teresa Bron, WA Committee Email:
Chair: Margaret Grillet, PA Phone: (302) 465-2200 Email: Committee Email:
Chair: Heidi Ferguson, DE Phone: 302-632-8024 Email - Committee Email:
Chair: Teresa Bron, WA Phone: (509) 854-1025 Email: Committee Email:
Chair: Esther (Boots) Wright, FL Committee Email:
Chairperson: Daphne White, NC Committee Email:
Chair: Larry Brinker, CN Committee Email:
ADS Emeritus Officials
Officials that retire from active officiating can be considered for this high honor by the ADS Licensed Officials Committee based on their length of service and feedback on performance, as well as their other service and contributions to the ADS such as serving as ADS Officers or Board Members, chairing or serving on committees, mentoring learners, teaching ADS clinics, and assisting with educational material for ADS use. Once chosen by the LOC, names are brought to the ADS BOD for approval. Emeritus status will not be given to all officials who retire although we do appreciate their service. A list of these so honored will be put on our website along with the guidelines. These officials will be considered as mentors and lend guidance as they choose. Those with Emeritus status have made the decision to retire and will no longer be eligible to officiate. A guest card is needed for a retired official to officiate, those officials limited to two guest cards in a particular classification according to ADS rules.
50th Anniversary Committee
Honorary Directors The Board of Directors may elect Honorary Directors in recognition of distinguished service rendered to the ADS. An Honorary Director shall hold office for life and shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Board of Directors and to participate in discussions at meetings but shall have no vote on matters before the Board of Directors. Honorary Directors shall have all rights and privileges of Individual Members and shall be exempt from annual dues. Honorary Directors shall receive the same communications from the ADS as Directors except where such communications pertain to matters restricted to Executive Session on the Board. Honorary Directors may be invited to participate in Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors meetings by invitation of the President. Honorary Directors are expected to annually sign the Conflicts Disclosure Statement.
Club Members